Our graphic language is inspired by the brand mark. We use squares, rectangles and frames to draw the eye and focus the audience on key messages.
The frame is a vital part of our brands’ graphic language, giving character and recognition to all of our communications. It is used to house headline copy and interact with our imagery, linking words and picture.
Our frame is dynamic and can adapt to fit with any format whether tall and thin, short and wide, simple rectangle or perfect square.
To maintain consistency, we need to ensure that the frame is proportionally correct across all sizes and formats. As a guide, we recommend the following thicknesses of frame. For extreme formats use the lists below and the examples on the applications page as a guide and scale the frame up or down proportionally.
If you are unsure whether you have scaled correctly please contact corporate communications.
Based upon the frame, we have additional graphic elements that can be used to highlight text, graphics or pull quotes. These should be the same thickness as the frame, but can be a different colour. Use sparingly, to create emphasis and highlight information of particular importance.
Some best in class examples of our graphic language in use